FINISHED! pink bolero drape cardigan

P9230205With the dark pink Jersey I bought yesterday I made myself, in no time flat, a little bolero / drape cardigan.  Influenced heavily by the drape cardigan I did here (and have since worn heaps and heaps of times) I wanted one similiar but didn't want it so long and drapey at the back.  In fact, I was never going to be able to make it as I only bought 1 metre of the dark pink jersey... so.. I pulled out the Japanese Pattern Book: Clever and Unique Clothes My Style, which I was supposed to have sent to my sister last Monday (sorry J!) and used view H as a basis.  H is made from woven material so I improvised a bit and used the same technique as the drape cardigan to attach a binding piece all around.  It kind of worked.  With a binding piece on the sleeves as well.
The sewing on the back is a bit messy as I first had the V going the wrong way but I'm not too worried about it and the curve which I made at the front seems to have worked ok.... and because I used interfacing I was able to put some buttons on 'a la the original drape cardigan'. Who would have thought a month ago I'd be applying buttons where they don't need to go!
I'm all 'buttoned up' in the photos but obviously I'll be able to button it anywhich way you like!
Buttoned lower makes it longer at the back!  Ta da!


  1. Love it! And that colour really suits you =D

  2. I love everything about it. The colour, the neck line in the back. You look so pretty in it!

  3. How interesting! I have been wondering if a metre was enough to make a cardigan - thank you for experimenting on my behalf! ;)
    Love the colour and your problem-solving approach. I think I need a bit more fabric with winter on its way here.

  4. Wow - love it! This is so much more interesting than the average cardigan; such a fantastic shape and colour on you!
