FINISHED! Marion Charlotte

Marion Denim Charlotte Skirt
Yesterday I finished another Charlotte skirt!

It's made from  'Marion' an indigo dyed paisley denim (58% cotton, 40% poly, 2% spandex). It really is the most incredible fabric and from the 'right' side you wouldn't know that it is denim - but it is definitely denim when you turn it over.

I made it in next to no time.  I cut it out and sewed the darts on Saturday night and then sewed up the rest in a couple of free hours on Sunday afternoon.
Marion Denim Charlotte Skirt
Unlike my first Charlotte skirt, I didn't bother to line this one and rather than hand sewing the waist band on I just sewed in the ditch. The fabric hides the stitches, which is great, but not so great when you are trying to see them on the 'wrong' side.
Marion Denim Charlotte Skirt
I've kept the skirt long and haven't taken any extra length off (despite being only 5"2 (well probably only 5"1).  Just like last time, I removed a little bit from the sides, using the instructions on the By Hand London website.  The By Hand girls posted a whole set of tutes during the Charlotte Sewalong and I regularly referred back to them again this time around. Their invisible zip tute is fantastic. I think I can safely say now that the invisible zip and I are on good terms. This one isn't quite as good as the last one, but I think it is still passable.
Marion Denim Charlotte Skirt
Today I've styled it with an old silk shirt that I've had for an age. (No I didn't make this...this is back from the pre sewing days).  These photos were taken really early this morning so the sun hasn't really come up yet, but the day turned out really hot and sunny so once again I was inappropriately dressed for the weather.  Lucky I was inside most of the day.

I also struggled a bit with not cutting my head off in the photos as the camera was balancing precariously and I searched for places that I could balance the camera on. The photos do show however the true colour and ever so slight sheen of the fabric.
By the way, this little package arrived on Friday.  I think I'll have to wait to make it up when I get back from France but there is an Elisalex Sewalong happening in March.   It should be heaps of fun. Wish I could do it.