So without the machines around for distraction I'm
- I have another Kanerva all cut out and ready to sew up.
- I have muslined a pair of Clovers and just bought a RTW pair of pants (the first in ages) that while a little big will help as a template.. Might get to cutting those out this weekend.
- I also have two new patterns from the fantastic new collection from Republic du Chiffon. (I feel the need to get a few more of them, but they are in French and take a while to come, which doesn't exactly satisfy my pdf instant gratifcation need.) I'm doing a bit of translation and might get to trace out one of these this weekend if I get to the shops and buy some tracing paper
- I have an idea for another Tokyo jacket from my stash - so might cut that out...
So that should keep me busy this long weekend. What do you do when you don't have your machines? Prep or take the opportunity to do something completely different?
Oh, and of course you've all been reading that it's that time of year again.
I've signed up for my 3rd year of Me Made May. Last year I must have dedicated an hour a day to checking out the flickr pool, but it really is fun and while I wear me made clothing every day there is something special about MMM and it does provide an airing for some less worn me made clothes.
I Kirsty of top notch: sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear at least 1 handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2014, with no repeat outfits. I will also try and liven up my photos with a few location shots.
I Kirsty of top notch: sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear at least 1 handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2014, with no repeat outfits. I will also try and liven up my photos with a few location shots.

And finally... I was also nominated for a Liebster award by French Seams and Pipe Dreams while on holidays. THANKYOU! Have you seen her Miette + Coco ensemble. I want to steal this outfit! I'll be back another day to answer her questions and nominate some blogs.