FINISHED! A knitted (yes knitted) baby beanie

I started this beanie when we were in Thredbo a couple of weeks ago but  I undid it all on Tuesday night after realising that I probably couldn't in all conscience give the beanie as it was with all the dodgey stitches and mistakes.  I wasn't too sad pulling it apart as I was watching back to back episodes of season 1 of The Hour  late into the night and was happily knitting away.  If you haven't seen The Hour by the way, then you must - because apart from anything story related (which is brilliant) it will make you want to go out and make a Charlotte pencil skirt!)  Really!
Baby beanie
The beanie is knitted using Felici Sport Self Striping Yarn in Dockside (which I think is being discontinued). I bought four balls of this on ebay after seeing the socks made by Jen from Grainline.  I'm not sure why I bought four given this beanie only used one but there you go.
The seam (which I'm hiding) is a little bit dodgy but.. all in all I think a pretty cute make for only my second knitting project.
Given I'm posting about this baby beanie I thought I'd pull from the archives the gift I made for the big brother of this little baby to be.  I made this quilt back in June 2010.  Looking at it now I probably could have thought a bit more about the colour placement but I had a lot of fun making this.  Funny, how these two gifts probably took about the same amount of time!
Baby boy quilt for baby JC
 baby boy quilt for baby JC baby boy quilt for baby JC