French knitting, d'accord!

We returned to the La Droguerie earlier in the week.  I admit to being just a litle bit intimidated by La Droguerie and the whole process of asking for the wool so ended up calling Ben back from the toy shop with the boys to help me translate.
Purchases from la droguerie
At the time I wished I'd taken some photographs of the process, because the way they actually wind the wool off the main roll onto a smaller roll and weigh as you go is super cool.  It is just so cute and seems very old school.   I chose some very cute wool: 100g each of this bamboo/linen combination.and also some Liberty piping - because they have SOOO much Liberty binding and piping. The lady kindly asked if I knew what it was used for, at least that's the translation that came to me from Ben.  
So, using my newly bought wool, I finished one leg of the leg warmers.  Yes, I started in a different wool before leaving Austalia and finished one leg in different wool earlier in the week, but hey! I'm on holidays.  I will definitely finish the other leg in this wool. I promise myself.
Ben also bought me this 100% wool beret from La Droguerie.
Yes, that is Oliver in the blue jacket racing off, desperate to find a shop with lego, not fabric, not wool, lego!
We went back to La Droguerie today because, well let's face it, I'm getting a bit over the leg warmers.  Don't get me wrong, it is a super cute pattern and I really enjoy (!!!!) knitting with the double pointed needles, I really do, but I feel a bit like I'm 'French Knitting' . Like I'm 7 again and knitting tubes. I'm going to finish the other leg and then move onto something else.. a scarf...? Well that's hardly exciting but Elliot needs one.  If you have any ideas of something that's easy but is a little bit of a challenge let me know.  I went back to La Droguerie today and bought some Alpaca because the ladies said it would be warmer.  Again, I think that's what they said! Yes, I've got a bit of a blue thing going on at the moment.  I asked if I could take a photo of them winding the wool but they said photos were forbidden.  

P.S.  Do you like David Sedaris?  I love him and think he is just so funny.  I am always reminded of this piece of his when in France... my French is not great, so find myself saying "d'accord" quite a bit! If you can find him reading it is even funnier. 


  1. So funny! I can relate - I tend to agree A LOT when we're in Turkey! Have no idea what I'm agreeing too. I think that may be how I ended up married to a Turk, LOL!

    They wind off the yarn like that in the yarn shops in Turkey too! I found it confusing at first, because I was used to thinking in terms of how many balls I needed for a project instead of the combined weight. And then there's the whole metric thing ;-)

  2. Ha ha ha.Oh the things I've eaten as a result of d'accord!! Yes I had NO idea how much I actually needed and not being a knitter was even more confused!! While I love the winding.. it is easier to be descrete and blend in more when you can just go and buy a ball or two.

  3. Some day I would like to learn how to knit. Let me know what you think of the Alpaca. A small farm close to my house recently put out a sign advertising Alpaca products. I would have been even worse with translation. I took a few years of French in middle school which was taught by an Italian woman! I have to look into David Sedaris. When I clicked on the bio link it shows he was born two towns away from where I grew up! Small world. I love the beret - you look great in it (very French)!

  4. Gah! That is so darn cool! I would freak out though if I had to ask for a weight. That alpaca looks delightful!

  5. I can hardly call what I do knitting.. it is so basic.. but I do see so many amazing things around that it would be lovely to knit well. Will definitely tell you about the Alpaca and yes, do look up David Sedaris, I hope you think he is as funny as I do.

  6. And freak out I did!! Can't wait to start with the Alpaca, the bamboo has been so nice. What are you going to knit next?

  7. What a fabulous shop! You'll love knitting with the alpaca, there's nothing like it.

  8. What a great wool shopping experience. You know, as for getting away from the leg warmers, I think the Kina's are French too!
