On the cutting table

We got back from Thredbo today and I was hoping to catch up with the Charlotte Skirt sewalong (I have fallen a little behind - woops) and also make some progress with the bird wings for the birthday of my niece, Alice.  But, there were more important things in the household.  Oliver wanted to make an invitation for his birthday party - a Harry Potter party and as has been a bit of a tradition with him, he wanted to do a little scene with his lego.  When he was 5 it was Toy Story lego, 6 was Star Wars lego and now it's Harry Potter (in lego). But...we couldn't find Harry's lego hair.
Now we have a lot of lego in the house (a lot!) and I'd like to say that it is all neatly filed away, and it sort of is but the hair wasn't where it should be.   After quite a few hours of looking I finally found the hair, after tipping one of the buckets out along the hallway to sift.  Yikes.  Notice in the photo, that Elliot is just sitting and playing and Oliver is nowhere to be seen!!! Mmm.
Anyway, and to the point, hours later I finally managed to cut out pieces for Alice's wings.  The last time I made these wings, I managed to get a spectrum of pinks but I couldn't find that prepackaged goodness anywhere so I've had to go a bit mixy matchy. I think it will work out.  I think the ordering just needs a bit of tweaking.

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