I decided at the time and bravely stated to the CBR sewing crew, that these were going to either be the best pants ever or destined for immediate donation. A big call given that even with a wash, the feel of these 'cotton' pants is 'cheap'.
The pattern is the Alexandria peg trousers again, which in spite of or because of it's elastic waist, has become of bit of a favourite of mine.
I got the fabric home only to realise that the pattern is actually a mirror image repeat so there are birds flying upside down. I briefly contemplated the future of this fabric but stuck with the original idea of pants. The upside birds don't bother me and in fact make me giggle quietly to myself when I wear the pants.
Despite the feel of the fabric, I like these pants. I wore them to work on the Monday after I'd made them. I loved them all day until around 3 and I looked down and had a moment of 'what am I wearing?'... but then just pretended that wearing upside down birds and daisy pants was normal.
Will I wear them again? Oh yes probably! My flamingo pants are on the highest rotation possible for something that I don't wear to work. These won't get close to those but there is another wear or two in them. As for the Alexandria pants, I think I have a lot more of them in my future.. but after this fabric, I really need a palette cleanser in some Liberty fabric. I'm waiting impatiently for the new Republique du Chiffon and Jolies Bobines collaboration, la robe Lola, so in the meantime might make up another Marthe.